How It Works
In just a few easy steps you could be saving thousands in property taxes.
Step 1:
Create a free account profile.
We just need your name, email, phone, then choose a password. There is no cost to create your account.
Step 2:
Add your properties.
We just need each property address and current tax assessed value.
You can add properties individually, or upload an entire spreadsheet. You can add residential or commercial properties.
Step 3:
Instant qualification process.
Our proprietary algorithm instantly determines if we can save you money.
We'll qualify each property individually and let you know if it is possible to reduce your taxes.
Step 4:
Authorize us to represent you.
Download the authorization forms, sign and send it back to us.
That's it! We get to work saving you money.
Why Choose Us
Instant Online Qualification
Our proprietary algorithm instantly determines if we can save you money. You can add one or multiple property addresses or even upload an entire spreadsheet of addresses.
Our system immediately goes to work calculating how much we can likely save you in property taxes for each property. You'll know instantly if it's possible for us to save you money.
No Hassle, No Risk
No upfront cost and no risk. You'll only pay if we save you money. We simply charge you a percentage of the amount we save you.
We handle all the paperwork, including filing costs and expenses. You qualify for a refund and lower tax assessment.
It Pays to Save!
Not only do we work hard to get you money back in your pocket with a refund, but your lower assessment can also carry forward.
For every dollar saved in taxes, it's common to increase the sellable value of your property by 8 to 20 times that savings. For example, by simply saving $1000 on your taxes, your property could increase in sellable value by $8000 to over $20,000. It pays to save on taxes!
We've Saved Our Customers Over
in Tax Value Reduction
Your Tax Assessed Value
Assessed Tax Value is a value assigned to your property by the local government and you pay property taxes based on this figure. The lower your Assessed Tax Value the less in taxes you owe. We at AppealTaxesNow are experts at reducing Assessed Tax Value, which in turn, lowers the taxes due on your property and can qualify you for a refund.
We specialize in working with real estate investors, property managers, and investment properties of all sizes – from one rent house to large commercial properties. As Level III Property Assessors we have the expertise and insider relationships needed to save you the most on your taxes. Whether you own 5 properties or 500, our property tax appeal process will save you money and hassle.
Our cutting edge appeal technology along with insider knowledge of the tax appeal game gets you larger reductions in your assessments and keeps more profits in your pocket.
Save more. No hassle.
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